Admin Features

Updated: November 22, 2024

Ryalto's admin permissions are flexible and granular, allowing users to have permissions for specific platform features and different roles in each organisation they are part of.

Organisation Admins

Organisation admins are the overall admins for an organisation. They are the account owners and managers.

They can:

An admin can manage the organisation settings.

Site and Department Admins

Site Admin

Site admins can:

Department Admin

Department admins can:

Group Admins

More Details Coming Soon.

Content Admins

Content admins refer to admin users who can create and publish news feed articles and announcements to audiences within the organisation. A user can be an article admin, an announcement admin, or both, or any other combination of content admin types.

There are four levels:

“Content” is used below to refer to news feed articles or announcements.


This is the top level of permission. Admins can create, edit and publish content within their organisation. They have full control over the content. A content admin can share content to any audience within their organisation. They can view all draft, scheduled and published content. They have the ability to edit content that was not originally created by them.


A publisher can create and publish content for sites and departments they are part of. They have full control over creating and editing content and audiences.


A content creator will be able to create but not publish content. Content that they create will not have any link to any particular sites or departments. They are not able to create or edit audiences. Their content will have to be given audiences and published by a publisher or an admin as part of the publishing process.

Chat Admin

A chat admin is an admin in a specific chat. They can add and remove users, as well as making other users admins and removing their admin rights. They are able to rename the chat and will be able to update the chat picture.

In an individual chat, both users are admins. In a group chat, the creator is the admin.

Users can also be a Public Chat Creators, which allows them to create public chats. If the public chats feature is enabled, all users have this permission by default, but it can easily be deactivated

Event Admins

More Details Coming Soon.

Survey Admins

More Details Coming Soon.

Shift Admins

More Details Coming Soon.

Dashboard Admins

More Details Coming Soon.

Ryalto’s admin dashboard shows real time and historic analytics for their organisation and aims to provide relevant insights into the engagement of users in their organisation.

Please refer to Admin Dashboard for further information.

Global Admins

Also referred to as: Super Users, Global Admins, Stealthy Super-Ninjas, RSGAs This admin type is applied to a user account and allows a user to switch to any organisation immediately after requesting to join. They can perform all other admin functions. They do not show up in directories or the admin panels. This user type should be reserved for Ryalto Staff only, and is designed to allow them to perform additional actions in the course of fulfilling their support and development duties.

Onboarding Admins

Feature and details coming soon

Additional Notes

Managing Users

In a few places above you may have seen the phrase “Manage Users”, this means that the user’s membership of that specific organisational unit can be approved or rejected, they can be promoted to admin or have their admin privileges removed, and they can be disabled or re-enabled.

Verify Users

Admin can see the list of users who have requested to join their organisation. They can verify or reject individual users or in batches with a multi select. When rejecting users they can provide a rejection reason which will be provided to the user.

Admin and Active Users

An organisation admin can see a list of admin users, and a list of active users in their organisation. They can easily give and remove admin user rights from users. They can suspend active users. From the user table, they can visit the user’s profile.

Deactivated / Suspended users

Admins can see a list of deactivated users and re-enable them.

Inviting Users to Organisation

An organisation admin can invite a single user to an organisation, this creates their organisation membership with category, level and other details. Then it will send an email to the user to invite them to the organisation. They can also upload a CSV of users to their organisation. This will create an organisation membership and send an email invite to the user. The email invite contains a unique sign up link for new users to Ryalto to create their Ryalto account with. Once the user has created their account with this link, and confirmed their email address they will be a confirmed user in the organisation. Existing users of Ryalto must log in to their account on the web and then click a unique link in the invite link to accept the invitation. An admin can see a list of invited users and resend or cancel the invites if needed.