New Terms

Updated: November 22, 2024


A user can be part of one or many organisations. We call this relationship between a user and an organisation a “membership”. We avoid using the term “membership” in the app as it could be confusing to users. A user can also be part of a site, and a department. We use the word membership here as well.


An Audience is a selection of users who can be grouped together to receive some information. News Feed Articles and Announcements can be shared to audiences. An audience is made up of either the entire organisation or a selection of sites and departments.
We are going to be adding further audience controls in the future, in terms of the way to scope the users in an audience and things to be shared with an audience.


When a user views an “interactable” object, an interaction is created. This allows us to track view counts and allows the user to react.
“Interactable” objects are Chat Messages, Announcements, News Feed Articles and News Feed Article Comments. We’re likely to add more in future.