Ryalto allows users to access and manage their shifts. Users can manage shifts created directly in Ryalto by a shift admin, fed from an external source via an API integration or via links to external platforms.
Ryalto is designed to allow flexible workers to manage their work shifts in the way that suits them in one place.
User’s can see available and booked shifts in each of the organisations they work for. Users can see shifts conveniently in the app, or linked out to an external system view shifts there, without leaving the app.
Users only see shifts in the app that are relevant to them, either based on the compliance in an external system or the skills and roles they have in Ryalto.
Ryalto Shifts
Ryalto’s advanced shift management function gives administrators complete control over every aspect of shift creation and distribution. Shifts are assigned to specific job roles, and Ryalto automatically distributes them to all verified users within the organisation holding that job role.
Job roles can be linked to specific skills, and Ryalto’s job role approval and rejection dashboard allows admins to manage which job roles and skills are attached to each user’s profile.
Shifts can be set as “Fastest Finger First” or “Bid” types, giving admins the flexibility to fill shifts either quickly or through a more detailed selection process.
In addition, administrators can attach specific skills to a shift, allowing Ryalto to distribute it to users who possess the required skills, even if they don’t hold the specified job role.
Shifts can also be assigned based on a particular site or department within the organisation, offering admins the flexibility to distribute shifts according to user location.
For shift workers, Ryalto provides a powerful, on-the-go booking and scheduling tool. Workers can book, request and cancel shifts at the click of a button, and receive notifications to alert them of updates to their schedule in real time.
Shifts from External APIs
For organisations which use the IQX or BridgeVMS shift booking systems, admins can set users up with roles which give them access to the shifts system. This system will pull shifts directly from the respective database and populate a calendar with shifts matching a user’s role. When a user requests to take on a shift the system will send their request to the external shift system where it can be accepted or rejected by an administrator on their side, at which point the shift will be removed from the calendar.
Shifts in Ryalto
If a user’s shifts are from Ryalto or an external API then they will be able to view all their available shifts and bookings in their Ryalto shifts calendar.
The shift calendar will either show all the user’s available shifts or their bookings. The user can toggle between the two views or switch to an agenda list view, showing upcoming shifts.
External Link
If an external website is used for Shifts then an admin can set the ‘Shifts’ button to redirect the user to whatever external website is provided.
Shift Terminology Glossary. Includes details on shift and booking statues.